Puntos de Salida
y Horarios del Transporte
Nota Importante: NO se permite la entrada de vehiculos particulares, solamente
el transporte official de la boda.
14 de Marzo 2020
Boda Religiosa y Celebracion
Saliendo de San Jose del Cabo
*Nota importante:
Son aproximadamente 50 minutos al lugar del evento.
1) MEGA Comercial Mexicana
(La Comer)
Horario de Salida: 1:00 pm
2) The One and Only Palmilla
Solamente los invitados hospedados en Palmilla podrĂ¡n
usar este punto de salida.
Horario de salida: 1:00 pm
Saliendo de Cabo San Lucas
Son aproximadamente 30 minutos al lugar del evento.
1) The Cape by the Thompson Hotels.
2) Villas del Palmar Cabo San Lucas
3) City Express Cabo San Lucas
Transporte de Regreso
10 pm, 12am, 1:30am, 2:30am, 3:30am, 4am
15 de Marzo 2020
Boda Civil y Torna Boda
1) The Cape by the Thompson Hotels.
2) Villas del Palmar Cabo San Lucas
3) City Express Cabo San Lucas
4) The One and Only Palmilla
Transporte de Regreso a los Hoteles
10 pm, 12am, 1:30am, 2:30am, 3:30am, 4am
Transportation Departure Points and Times
Important : For Your security and our privacy the only vehicles allowed will be the transportation provided for the wedding . No private vehicles
14 of March 2020
Religious Ceremony and Celebration
Leaving from San Jose del Cabo
*For guests leaving from these pick-up points it will take approximately
50 minutes to arrive to the venue.
1) MEGA Comercial Mexicana
(La Comer)
Departure 1:00 pm
2) The One and Only Palmilla
Only guests staying at this hotel can use this pick up point.
Departure : 1:00 pm
Leaving from Cabo San Lucas
It will take approximately 25- 30 minutes
to arrive to the venue.
1) The Cape by the Thompson Hotels.
2) Villas del Palmar Cabo San Lucas
3) City Express Cabo San Lucas
Return Departure
10 pm, 12am, 1:30am, 2:30am, 3:30am, 4am
15th of March 2020
Civil wedding
1) The Cape by the Thompson Hotels.
2) Villas del Palmar Cabo San Lucas
3) City Express Cabo San Lucas
4) The One and Only Palmilla
Return Departure
10 pm, 12am, 1:30am, 2:30am, 3:30am, 4am